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Astra Bottom Blue Squares

Our commitment to sustainability continues

Mar 18, 2022

Go Paperless

Green Team actions already making a difference as we become paperless!

At the end of last year, we announced our ongoing commitment to sustainability by putting in place a permanent long-term plan. Within this, we announced the addition of our ‘Green Team’, who are ‘leaders and champions’ of all things green, with the aim of driving and generating ideas to support sustainability.

One of the challenges identified is around reducing the amount of paper used on a day-to-day basis. So, back in August 2021, our Green Team Leader, Lauren Pinker embarked on a plan to drive the ‘paperless’ office.

Going paperless has so many benefits:

  • Saving storage space
  • Saving money
  • Protecting the environment
  • Safer/more secure (for files/data)
  • Provides easier access to information (via online)

Lauren, along with the support of the other Green Team members adapted processes to ensure less paper was used. Raising awareness and reminding the wider team of the impacts of printing has been consistent, and the results are extremely positive!

60% reduction in paper usage

So, the results are in, and since August 2021 there has been a positive impact on paper usage with a 60% reduction! This has reduced costs, as well as serving to help protect the environment.

Lauren said:

“I’m so pleased to see the improvements made. It’s really about educating people and reminding them of the benefits and the wider impact of their actions. Once the processes are in place, it becomes ‘the norm’ in terms of office practice, so this is now the new way of working.”

This activity is part of a wider sustainability programme for Astra Security, who are embarking on a number of initiatives including reducing food waste, recycling coffee pods and the installation of an EV charger for guests, visitors, and staff.

Watch this space for future progress updates on our sustainability journey.

Astra Corner Blue Squares
Astra Heel Corner Blue Squares

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0345 521 0580

Astra Corner Blue Squares
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OSPA Winner 2021

Astra Security Ltd

Units 7 & 8
Northavon Business Centre
Dean Road
BS37 5NH

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