0345 521 0580 [email protected]
Astra Bottom Blue Squares

Facial Recognition

Facial recognition is a way of recognising a human face through technology. A facial recognition system uses biometrics to map facial features from a photograph or video. It then compares the information with a database of known faces to find a match.

Facewatch is a secure cloud-based platform that uses facial recognition technology to send instant alerts when subjects of interest enter business premises.

To find out more watch the video below.

Astra Corner Blue Squares
Astra Heel Corner Blue Squares

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0345 521 0580

Astra Corner Blue Squares
NSI Gold
SafeContractor Approved
Cyber Essentials Certified
OSPA Winner 2021

Astra Security Ltd

Units 7 & 8
Northavon Business Centre
Dean Road
BS37 5NH

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Company Number: 02720811