Reflections of the year, a Christmas wish and a look ahead
With the year-end fast approaching, it’s always a time to reflect on how the year has gone, and a chance to take stock and look ahead.
Firstly, I’d like to highlight some of our top achievements that have been delivered across the year by our talented team here at Astra:-
Our Business – We’ve continued to grow our business and expand our team of people
• We now support in excess of 2100 retail and operational sites for national and international consumer facing brands, this represents an increase of 25% over the last 12 months.
• Our Gross Profit and Turnover have seen a healthy growth over the last 5 years.
*Figures accurate as at November 2022
Our Sustainability – We’ve reduced energy use, carbon emissions and energy costs
• We are also in the process of working towards achieving the ISO 14001 – The international standard that allows companies to set up and implement an Environmental Management System.
Supporting communities and charitable organisations remains core to our ethos
• We’ve continued our support of local charities and communities, with further funding; staff volunteering and sponsorship support.
Our accreditations and certifications – Highest levels obtained within the industry
• We secured our NSI Gold accreditation once again and have also been recognised by the Building Safety Group for our commitment to Health and Safety.
Our brand and offices – A new website launched, and a modernised and more sustainable office refurbishment completed
And, on top of all of that, we’ve continued to maintain our ongoing high standard of delivery to all our existing customers and clients.
Paul Beet, Managing Director at Astra Security said, “It’s been a strong year for us, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank our customers, clients, partners, suppliers and staff for their continued support and ongoing efforts. We look forward to the year ahead, continuing to deliver the very best security solutions, backed up by an outstanding customer service. So, that leaves me with the final message on behalf of Astra Security of wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! Let’s hope 2023 brings lots of good luck.”