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A new Green Team is set up to drive sustainability initiative

Nov 22, 2021

Green Team

Astra embarks on long-term commitment to go green

Following the outputs from COP26, there’s a big focus for all of us to see how we can adapt and change to help save the planet. And, here at Astra Security, we’ve really taken time out to look at ways in which we can improve our sustainability – not just for the short term, we are absolutely committed to exploring ways to make a permanent, long-term plan.

To drive this initiative forward, a team from within the company has been assigned, known as the Green Team. This is made up of a selection of the workforce, who will be the leaders and champions of ‘all things green’. Their role is to inspire and work with the wider colleagues to generate ideas, motivate and help to deliver the changes that are needed.

Lauren Pinker, Project Lead for the Green Team said:

“I’m really excited to be part of this special team, who have a great responsibility to drive change within the business. We’ve already started to think about ways we can make a difference, and plans are already in place. This is a long-term focus, which will see the company really adapt and review our current practices. This will then become part of the ongoing culture. There’s lots of work to be done, but it’s so important. We all have a role to play.”

The team are looking at ideas which include becoming more paperless; recycling coffee pods; introducing a food-waste bin; and installing an EV charger point for guests, visitors and staff. And, this is just the start. There’s lots of other ideas on the table. We’ll keep track of progress and update regularly.

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