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Astra supports World Menopause Day

Oct 18, 2021

World Menopause Day

We’ve put a variety of supporting adjustments and measures in place

Today marks World Menopause Day, which is held every year, on 18th October. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the menopause and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing.

For many women menopause can be a life changing and isolating experience, with symptoms such as sleeping problems, hot flushes, stress and anxiety, weight gain, low energy and brain fog and poor concentration, all of which can be difficult to manage.

Here at Astra Security, we have a huge focus on health and wellbeing for our staff, and as part of this have raised awareness of menopause by investing and adopting a variety of adjustments and measures. These include the following:

  • We’ve incorporated support information into our Staff Handbook
  • We’ve included adaptations including fans, windows and extra breaks for staff when they need them
  • We regularly signpost to free webinars for staff to access 
  • All staff have access to the Employee Assistance Programme, which has a wealth of support information within it

Sarah Steer, Director of Finance, People and Compliance at Astra Security said:

“We’ve made big strides in raising awareness of menopause with the business. We are empowering, supporting and educating all our staff to help provide a better understanding of the menopause transition and its impact, as well as protect their long-term health. We have a large proportion of our staff who are women and ensuring that there are a variety of support options available is incredibly important.”

This all forms part of the wider Health and Wellbeing Programme offered at Astra Security, who already have several initiatives in place including the Cyclescheme, Fruit Boxes, Flexible Working and a commitment to support Mental Health.

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